Land Artist

A land artist is an individual who believes that the earth itself should guide landscaping design.
The earth artist reshapes the landscape into works of art that express the personal viewpoints of the homeowner. Integrating works of natural earth art into a landscaping plan results in a greater sense of connection between different zones of interest. The eye moves from one work of art to the next, prompting visitors to explore each area of the yard as they journey through its outdoor living environment.

This type of art is as old as humanity itself. Ancient stone circles, earth mounds, and glyphs of animal forms dating back thousands of years are found on every continent. In modern times, landart reemerged in force as artists became disenchanted with the rabid commercialism that plagued the modern art of the ‘60s. Rejecting the museum as the only acceptable forum for aesthetic displays, they returned to Nature itself in search of new inspiration, and a new modicum of display for their work.

Land artists create works of all sizes. Public works are often massive in scale, measuring several acres in size. The private works that we create are reduced to a scale and scope appropriate to the size of a residential lot. However, they still bear the same characteristics as their larger, public counterparts.


Whenever possible, our team uses natural materials when shaping your landscape design into various works of art. Stones, branches, moss, leaves, gravel, and soil provide the raw materials for the forms he or she creates. Stone is one of the most popular materials because there are so many forms we can build with it. Stone can be used to create decorative walls, geometric patterns such as spirals and linear runs, and accent borders around walkways, patios, and gardens.

Earth mounds, also known as berms, are another popular form we can add to your landscaping design. Berms do not have to stand very tall to be effective. Sometimes a berm only a 1 ½ feet in height will completely transform the appearance of a front yard. An earthwork like this can function as a seat wall, sun tanning area, or work as a planting area for unique and colorful vegetation.

One of the best places for a land artist to work is in a meditation garden. Typically water plays an important role in a meditation garden because of its role as a universal symbol of spirit and consciousness. Since meditation involves calming the mind, there are many ways that earth art can reinforce the powerful, symbolic role of water in this setting. Small stones can be arranged to create spirals, circles, or lines much like we see in Zen gardens. Larger boulders erected around the garden can add vertical impact, definition, and a sense of private enclosure.

Land artists are careful to stay conscious of the architecture of the home whenever they are creating these types of display in a yard. Care is taken to make the home look united with the outdoor living environment that surrounds it. The vertical impact of each land art piece is developed to compliment the rising façade of the home and magnify its significance. The end result is a much more personalized landscaping plan that significantly improves curb appeal by distinguishing a residence as truly one of a kind.